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 Cheap Flight to Accra from London, Cheap Ticket to Accra from Gatwick, Cheap flights from Birmingham to Accra, Cheap ticket from Manchester to Accra.
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London All Airports (LON)                Manchester (MAN)

Heathrow (LHR)                                 Gatwick (LGW)

Birmingham (BHM)                            Manchester (MAN)

About Accra:

Principal languages: English (official), tribal languages; Ga

Ethnicity/race: --

Religions: Christian 83%, Muslim 10.2%, other 4.6%

National Holiday: Independence Day, March 6

Literacy rate: 80.5%

Economic summary: GDP/PPP $478.5 billion (2013 est.) Real growth rate: 3.86%. Inflation: 9.4%. Unemployment: 8.20%. Arable land: 39.53%. Agriculture: Major crops include beans, sesame, cashew nuts, cassava, cocoa beans, groundnuts, gum arabic, kolanut, maize (corn), melon, millet, palm kernels, palm oil, plantains, rice, rubber, sorghum, soybeans and yams. Labor force: 54,199,112 (2013) Industries: 10th largest producer of oil in the world Natural resources:Apart from petroleum, Nigeria's other natural resources include natural gas, tin, iron ore, coal, limestone, niobium, lead, zinc and arable land. The oil and gas sector accounts for about 35 per cent of gross domestic product, and petroleum exports revenue represents over 90 per cent of total exports revenue.Exports: $93.01 billion (2014 est.) Imports: $52.79 billion (2014 est.) Major trading partners: USA, India, Brazil, Spain, France, Netherlands, South Africa, Germany, Italy, Portugal

Member of Commonwealth of Nations

Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 181,345,953; mobile cellular: 164,642,742 (2013). Radio broadcast stations: AM 83, FM 36, shortwave 11 (2001) Television broadcast stations: 70 (2007). Internet hosts: 1,234. Internet users: 55.9 million

International disputes: Joint Border Commission with Cameroon reviewed 2002 ICJ ruling on the entire boundary and bilaterally resolved differences, including June 2006 Greentree Agreement that immediately cedes sovereignty of the Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroon with a phase-out of Nigerian control within two years while resolving patriation issues; the ICJ ruled on an equidistance settlement of Cameroon-Equatorial Guinea-Nigeria maritime boundary in the Gulf of Guinea, but imprecisely defined coordinates in the ICJ decision and a sovereignty dispute between Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon over an island at the mouth of the Ntem River all contribute to the delay in implementation; only Nigeria and Cameroon have heeded the Lake Chad Commission's admonition to ratify the delimitation treaty which also includes the Chad-Niger and Niger-Nigeria boundaries; location of Benin-Niger-Nigeria tripoint is unresolved

Tourism in Accra:

Tourist attractions in Nigeria include festivals and cultural celebrations (such as Durbar festivals in the north), the nation's national parks (such as Old Oyo, Yankari, and Cross River Nationa Parks), and other geographical sites (such as Aso Rock, Abuja.) By far the most outstanding tourist zone is the Mambilla Plateau in Taraba State. Tourism Minister Edem Duke rightly described the Mambilla Plateau as Nigeria's 'Crown Jewel of Tourism"(Blueprint, 15 August 2012; Bami-Yuno: Beyond Rhetoric: Mambilla Plateau and Tourism in Nigeria, April 2013).

The World Travel and Tourism Council estimates revenue related to tourism and travel in Nigeria will exceed 10 billion $USD in 2007, and will account for approximately 6% of the gross domestic product.

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